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30 June, 2005
Web stats show the glaydin pages averaging about
250 hits a month. Pretty cool!

11 Jan, 2005

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone remembers Barbara Goldin who was at the camp and school
around 1964. I work with Barbara's sister Nan (or Nancy as she was known
back then) and would greatly appreciate contact with anyone who would be
willing to share their memories of Barbara.

Best wishes

John Marchant

13 Aug. 2002
Kathleen Bourke is working to put together a reunion of students
and staff who attended Glaydin from the late 60's up to 1973 in
2003. Contact Steve Jaeger at
for more information.
New email

Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 From: "Ren Baker @ Glaydin"
 To: Subject: Received from:
Ken Goldstein

Hello Glaydinites,
    This is a small world story.  Last summer I was motorcycling
around Frederick & Loudoun Counties on the old Harley (yes, THAT
old Harley) on my way to see the Nighthawks (you have to be a
certain age, but Stevie would know) at Payne's Biker Bar in
downtown Leesburg.  I soon found myself in conversation with a
couple of women who were volunteering at the Court House concerts
(talk about town/gown conflicts!).  The younger of the two
mentioned that she had graduated from Loudoun County High School,
so I asked her if she knew Josh Bearman, Dick & Barbara's
youngest.  Knew him?  She (and the entire female population of
LCHS) had a HUGE crush on him.  Will we ever escape the memory of

Ken Goldstein

29, Apr. 2002

In the mix this spring is a hard disk crash that wasted all Glaydin related
material. Fortunately the "pages" were on the web and safe and I can
recover the email addresses from these. But, just to be sure that the
mailing list is put back together correctly please send me your email
address when you get a chance.

TIA, hope things are well with you,, email addresses

25, Apr. 2002

Another email address for Eve Birch

23, Apr. 2002

No one to mind the store for the next 7 to 10 days or
so. Any new posts I'll get to them then....

22, Dec. 2001

These email addresses are failing :-( .... New

Sun, 18 Nov. 2001

Hey, away for a week or two or so here. Any posts, I'll get to
them then.


Wen, 24 Apr 2001
O. k, It's me again and I have name's of some 
people I would love to find. Sam Ross, Jeff Suitt, 
Kent Hancock, Alan Marcuse, Greg Garland, George 
Rowland, Cecil Gardner, Fay Bowers, Charles 
Raymond, Judi Levin, Scott Becker, Mark Jacobs.

If anyone can help please e-mail me at
Or, try
Thank you all, Laura Zeisler. 1977-1980 ------------------------------------------------- Sun, 8 Apr 2001 roadtrippenhereboss z'gottawaittill4/18 tobeposted ;-) ------------------------------------------------- Sun, 25 Mar 2001 From: Eve Birch Eve Birch here, not in missouri anymore. The starplace address kept pphhuutzing on me so I let it waller-still up is Please put something eyecatching in the subject as I delete junkmail with a bit too much enthusiasm. Now that my newly renovated and college edumacated love god and partner of 10 years is finally out of school (he got hurt building powerlines and Nat'l rehab sent him to school-we were penpals during the 2 years this took), we have decided to seek our fortune here on the east coast-him in the city and m'self in the virginia hills.......I cannot cover all the changes this has kicked off in and out of my head. We're sheltering in a yuppy village (fairfax) till I can find us a modest farmhouse out of town but along the comuter route somewhere. Damn it's high priced out here! I miss my ozark friends,my chickens, and my goat, Puck. The organization I was working on is still there but thinned, and I plan on trying to launch another one here-everybody seems to like the idea.But first things first-I need a chickenhouse, and maybe a phoneline to call my own. Hey,Who has membership over at Can you shoot messages to Julie Sasso and Andy Shelton and the other 79'ers for me? I can't access their addresses. Much love and gratitude for the letters I've gotten, Eve I will find the path toward my soul's true nature that begins right here where I am shipwrecked, rather than in pious hopes for a perfect life. -Harriet Eisman ------------------------------------------------- Tue, 25 Sept 2000 From: Ren E Baker An excerpt from Morgan's Site: page #2, June 30,2000 By: Sue Storherr "I was sitting in my room when Johnny knocked on the door and asked me if I wanted to see something cool. Of course, I was skeptical but decided to go anyway. He brought me to his room and pointed to his closet where Johnny and Lowell had dug a hole big enough to fit about 6 people under their room. I'll never forget that night." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sue and I have been kinda kicking this thing about "The Hole" around for the past couple days and this is my most recent e-mail back to her: Subject: "The Hole" Revisited. September 25, 2000 Dear Sue, Today has been steady rain since the early morning, so I decided to venture up to what we now call "Cabin # 2" to explore the legendary "Hole beneath the closet floor" about an hour ago. With flashlight, crowbar, hammer and nail-puller in hand, I proceeded through the front door, turned right down the dark hallway and entered the last bedroom on the left. In the closet, a large piece of 3/4 inch thick plywood had been nailed over the floor carpet. With considerable effort, I was able to pull the six large rusted nails that George had driven in it to seal the entrance shortly after this "Party Hideaway" was discovered. With the plywood removed, the outline of the small trap door was faintly visible in the carpet. Throwing back the carpet, I pried loose and removed the age old door that had been cut into the floor so many years ago. Peering into darkness, with the musty smell of age rising from below me, I felt somewhat like an archeologist must feel before entering a ancient tomb. Breaking the darkness with my flashlight I was rewarded beyond my expectations. There, below me, was not only the large "hole" that had been dug, but lying to one side was the implements that had been used to dig it. I first retrieved a rusted shovel with a somewhat rotted and sawed off handle totaling about 20 inches in length. This was just the right length for working in the cramped clearance when the digging began. The next item I brought forth was a five pound "hand maul" (a small, short handled sledge hammer), fairly well preserved and still usable. Examining the dents in the top edge of the shovel (where you would normally put your foot) I deducted that the "hand maul" had been used to drive the shovel into the ground. The last item to be retrieved has me bewildered and confused. Lying next to the center supporting wall, at the top edge of the hole and directly below the floor opening, was an aged, high top, size 9, leather work shoe. It was for the right foot and appears to have been nearly new when it was left there. I could find no evidence of a leg bone anywhere. I therefore deducted that the shoe was left behind, or fell from someone's foot, during a hasty final exit from the "Party Dungeon"..... just before George sealed the entrance. I replaced the trap door, and as I loosely layed the plywood over the carpet I tried to imagine what may have transpired beneath this floor in the years past........ Any testimonies, anyone ?? With nearly all else explained, the mystery of the single shoe remains unsolved. Any clues you may have will be greatly appreciated ?? =0) =0) =0). Have a wonderful & happy day Sue ! Ren Baker 13913 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA ... 20176 ICQ#:37306326, Firetalk#:567106, YM id: N4CRS ------------------------------------------------- Tue, 5 Sept 2000 is no longer valid, anyone have a new email address ? ------------------------------------------------- Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:32:34 From: Ren E Baker Subject: Update on sale of Glaydin ! Dear Glaydinites. Referring to this following, previous, announcement concerning the sale of Glaydin: "As it now stands, 80 % of the property has been sold to another organization. This leaves us only 10 acres, 2 dorms, one small cabin and the newer classroom building to continue on with. In the future, these will all be fully occupied, and used, by staff and students the year around. There is presently some hold up on a tax form for the sale to be finalized." IT NOW APPEARS THAT THIS DEAL HAS FALLEN THROUGH (As a couple of others have since I have been here). I was informed of this yesterday by the Secretary / Accountant. "As it now stands" ...... 50 acres has now been sold to Capitol Church at Tyson's Corner Virginia (Amos Dodge is the Minister there and his wife Sue sings with the "Gathers")..... Supposedly, yesterday, they took over all of the payments on the mortgage which was in serious arrears ($361,000.00) and Glaydin was about to be sold by the bank. In addition, there is $120,000.00 in other loans & debts that "Glaydin Center" has incurred, which I understand the church is also paying off. This will leave "Athletes and Businessmen for kids" owning the remaining 42 acres, but under the control of "Capitol Church". The pastor "Amos Dodge" is now on Glaydin's board of directors. "Capitol Church" is a member of "Foursquare Churches" and it is my understanding they are going to provide the funds to repair all of the buildings and once again open Glaydin as a year-round camp (which is the way it originally began). This is all that I know at this time. I will keep you informed of any further late breaking news concerning Glaydin. Except that it is: 15 hours and 32 minutes until the launch of "Glaydin Reunion 2000" ===================================== Do nothing without deliberation. And when you have acted, do not regret it. Do not go on a path full of hazards. And do not stumble over stony ground. Do not be overconfident on a smooth way. And give good heed to your paths. "Walk in Sunshine" ===================================== Ren Baker @ Glaydin School & Camp 13913 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA ... 20176 Standard Phone #: 703 777 7078 Callrewards WebPhone #: 1-999 125 3836 ICQ#: 37306326 Firetalk#: 567106 Yahoo Messanger id: N4CRS ------------------------------------------------- 4 Aug, 2000 Hello all - just had a very long e-mail from Lori Legator. She is still in Guatamala and now has four kids including twin girls. Three brilliant red heads & a blond.She has expressed some interest in the reunion but obviously need to work out some pretty heavy logistics. Talked to both Levy & Tweedie and they will also try to attend. I've spoken to Barbara Bearman several times and have asked her more than once why she doesn't post on the sight. " Uhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't know, I just feel, you know.........." I'm sorry, I don't get it. And where the hell is a post from Dickie???? What is wrong with you people? Damn it Bearman, I know you've seen all this stuff, get off your eastern shore ass and write something. And Kenny, Boo Boo, Ibby, Marty & Frances. Don't tell me none of youse haven't read all these posts. Puh-lease Peace & Glaydin, Steve Jaeger New email ------------------------------------------------- 12 July, 2000 Hi Glaydinites =0) I have made recent changes to your Post Anything Page at: Main page: Where a link will very soon be posted to a Bulletin Board Page about the "Glaydin Reunion Y2K" coming up on August 26 & 27, 2000. Arrivals welcome on Friday afternoon, August 25.... Free overnight lodging for your entire stay (bring your own sheets & pillowcases). Outdoor Camping also, anywhere you want ! ......Swimming in the lake (from the dock and floating platform)..... RV's Welcome ! ........ Plan to be here....... Make it happen !!!!!!! Peggy Sligh (O'Neill) -->NEW ( NEW ) is presently working on the announcement. My best to all, and pray this computer dosen't crash ! Ren Baker at Glaydin School & Camp 13913 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA ... 20176 Phone: 703 777 7078 ICQ#:37306326 Firetalk#:567106 YM id: N4CRS ------------------------------------------------- 7 July, 2000 . . . . Peggy is working on a reunion for the last weekend in August to coincide with the Lucketts Fair, which I should have the brochure Posted for soon. The fair committee was supposed to get it to me this week. Ren Baker ...... 13913 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA ... 20176 ICQ#:37306326, Firetalk#:567106, YM id: N4CRS ------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, July 4 Hi All, I'm in the process of automating some of the maintainince aspects of the Glaydin pages, including the mailing of notices. So, if you get messages from me that don't make sense or if you seem to be *not* getting notices from me when the pages change, or you see broken links or broken pages, please please do let me know about it so I can fix it. Also I have added a new page called Freeverse. It is for whatever you might have to say -- prose, poem, tic stream. The basic idea being something like, "Context SMONTEXT, I'm FREEEEKIIIN HERE!!!!". I stuck up an old poem just so no one would have to stare down a blank canvas. All regards, ------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, Jun 29 Keith Oshins again. Totally jazzed by the snowballing response. I have recieved a postcard from Kim L-S., a third-hand e-mail from Phil Rosemond, & a phone call from Bruce Lindsay. i Currently without e-mail, but please all write me at 320 River Street, Napa, CA 94559 or call at 7072515541. I have a cool new job working for the California State Parks at the Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park, learning to operate an 1850 waterwheel powered mill. Everyone else is making 21st century career moves, and I'm a freaking miller.Write me if you need some flour, cornmeal, or polenta. You may read some press, if you wish, at Search the archives for june 14,2000 under my name. Anyone coming to Northern California please call/write/visit. Truth & love, Keith O. ------------------------------------------------- Date: Wen, Jun 28 Dear Morgan, I have put up a special page for downloading "The Glaydin Story" and there is a link to it from my main page. It also contains a link to your page for posting (if they havent already) The file size is 1 megabyte and took me 8 minutes to download. I hope to upload a high quality verson (2 mb) next week, but this one is very good. That will give people a choice of which they want. I felt that this recording should not be for the general public and so I password protected it. There are two requirements for download: (1)- Must be Alumni or Faculty of Glaydin and posted something on your page (for verification). (2)- Must e-mail me for the password. All the information is on the page. Take care, Ren Baker ...... 13913 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA ... 20176 ICQ#:37306326, Firetalk#:567106, YM id: N4CRS ------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 From: Chris Lindsay Hi, my name is Ricky Noone. Please contact me at Igotajob,Iquitsmoking@Abbe-geeheehee-Oh! ------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 From: Chris Lindsay This is Bootie in a last attempt to get ahold of you. I lost both of your messages so please send again at Also, I am looking for ex- Glaydin-ites in no order: Keith Oshins, Terry Caton, Jimmy Minor, Butch Cruz, Kathy Bourke, Dick Bearmen, and anybody else you can think of. All my love Brucie! -------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat Jun 10 13:21:05 2000 From: Ren E Baker Wow !, Morgan, This thing is blowing "Wide Open" Peggy "Sligh" was here (at Glaydin) about 2 weeks ago. We have got to get something going for a renuion this summer. I am doing all that I have the time to devote from here, but you guys are #1 on my list. I really want to see this place amount to something, like it was back then. I would do anything to see that. By the way, I just found a 7 inch "Reel to Reel" tape that describes the purpose of Glaydin. I am transfering it to cassette and will also post it for download to anyone that may want it. I think it is great, it tells the entire story of Glaydin. Download time will be somewhat extensive as it is about 20 minutes in length. I will very soon (within the next few days) post the download site on my page There are testimonies from students, as well as a statement from Dick Bearman. You are free to post this on your page, Morgan Ren Baker ...... 13913 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA ... 20176 ICQ#:37306326, Firetalk#:567106, YM id: N4CRS -------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 From: Any Glaydin Abroad'ers out there? If so, do you know whatever happened to Rich Turin or Donna Latzko or Tim McVeigh? Please let me know. Kaleo -------------------------------------------------- Date Fri, 26 May, 2000 Another broken email address: Or, rather, I got an, "Please take us off your e-mail list" Philip? use -------------------------------------------------- From Tue May 23 10:19:48 2000 New email Hi all - It's Steve Jaeger again. Hi Kim, glad you made it. I only myself found out about this sight a few days ago from Barbara Bearman. I've run a search for "Glaydin" before on onther search engines and have come up empty. I just tried Yahoo by chance. My first impresiion of "mlarch" was Mudlark C(onfederation)H(elvatia). But I don't know. this whole thing does ring strongly of Dickie. Who cares, at least it's up. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would once again see the musings of Keith Oshins. Happy he's doing so well. Come one, come all. Glaydin still has this incredible power in my life thirty years later. Anyone out there remember Erik Bretschneider? He went to Glaydin from '61 - He is my wife's cousin ( what a weird coincidence ) and lives in Hawaii -------------------------------------------------- Date Mon, 22 May, 2000 Steve pointed out some broken email addresses ! Here are four: (new job ?) use instead., use -------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 If you don't have any thing to say but would like other people to know your email address, just send it to me saying as much and I'll put it up on the links page. -------------------------------------------------- Date: Thur, 2 Dec 1999 Eve's email has changed. If you try it and it is broken, buzz me.... again to meanass38@hotmail.mail -------------------------------------------------- Date: Thur, 25 Nov 1999 I'm away for a few days. Hope 'z good for you.... -------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:49:19 -0800 (PST) From: Eve <> Hello There, I woke up 2 hours early to build a fire and enjoy my coffee in peace before the rush of motherhood and matereal life swept me up. I guess I'll sleep enough when I'm dead. I thought it was a good time to let you all know- my immediate and extended family and those 2 that don't walk with us anymore, my new friends,my old friends here and beyond, my children here and those that walk with their Uncle and Aunt, just how much I think about you and love you. You live so close under my skin with me. Each day each one of you pops into my head when I need some aspect of you to help me through the moment. I thank you for loving me. And not killing me when I drove you to the brink of the abyss. I'd always figured life would get easier as time wore the hard edges off me and the huge chip I've always carried on my shoulder and now I find that untrue. The wearing has happened, yes. I get more patient with the small stuff, I listen a little better and with a bit more compassion for others' paths. I am more fearless and less clutter-minded than I once was, more sure of my existance and my right to that existance. The second flat tire in a day makes me laugh instead of cry, even enjoying others' success without envy is now a joyous thing. But the struggle doesn't lessen, just my appreciation for those tiny moments-like when my coffee turns out perfect, or the arthritis ebbs for a moment.... The moments people, those are what we live for, those precious moments when we've made someone happy with a simple gesture or a good joke, the satisfaction of labor done and done well, when the children are content for a milisecond, when we feel we belong in the universe and are one with everything in every process. This is something that only time, hard or soft, can teach. For if we spend every day rushing for we-don't-know-what, that precious time ticks by, waiting patiently for us to stop and breathe, to love the moment. Sometimes I take a chair and a mug of something warm and my pipe and I go outside to listen to the sun set. I take you all with me, or I leave you inside and just pray for you, that you also feel the deep love and comfort you've given me. Bless you. Eve ===== No matter where you go, There you are. __________________________________________________ Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 From Subject: New Link on my Web Site The new link on my HomePage that is titled: "Glaydin Today", should answer a lot of questions about what Glaydin is now, as well as what we hope for it's future. My Home Page address is: The links are at the top and bottom of the page. This darn "broken leg" has really hindered my ability to do much in the way of repairs and renovations and the doc says that he may have to operate on it again. We will see next Friday when I go to his office in Purcellville. Love to all the Glaydinites from your "Alma Mater", Glaydin School. Hey! Did you guys have a school song. If so, what was it ?? Please let me know ! Ren Baker @ Camp Glaydin 13951 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA 20176 Phone:703 777 7078 E-Mail: Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 From: Eve ( Subject: Greetings Eve in the Ozark hills here, Humbled greetings to Mike, Jean, Dick and you others hiding in the wings.While my little corporation is growing feathers (it REALLY is tiny yet), I've been doing some interesting sidework to keep the roof up.I promised I wouldn't take a paycheck till we have enough in the account to run regular operations-a long way off yet.I've been flippin pizzas and selling candles and banty eggs and tarot readings and making doughnuts and arts and crafts with a few of our signed on artists-fun and silly stuff. Our site will be showcasing some of this and other beautiful stuff soon and all the breakdowns of money will be posted right there so folks know just how much is going to the artist and how much to the work we're doing in the community.If anyone has artwork they'd like to sell from our site-shoot me a line and/or a photo and you're on. Ren,If there isn't a donation or a steamtable or a free building behind the spring house, it's NOT going on my itinerary! Anybody tracked down Wally Pheiffer or Dove or Happy Acosta or "Big Sam"(boys club boxing champ-circa '78?) yet? Laura Patrick contacted me a few years back-she lives in Manassas(home of the Bobbits!) and at last count had 2 rambunctious kids in tow. Had dinner with Lynn Rowheder/nee Wilkenson also a few years back and she was beeming over a boy child and teaching in Fairfax county-no newer info though.Keep looking, guys, this is pretty neat hearing that the folks whe shaped my life are doing so well,if not slightly scarred.Blessings to All, Eve Birch === No matter where you go, There you are. Date: July 24, 1999 [ Note ] [ I have set up a mirror of the Glaydin page at It is only a mirror but because me and my ISP are not on the best of terms I though it prudent to put it up and get it's url indexed by the major search engines which can take a long time for some engines. So, if you see broken stuff on either page (main or mirror), which I may have introduced in the transition, let me know. And on yet another note, there is now a "LINKS" link on the main Glaydin page. It's for, guess, Links to Glaydin related pages or Your pages if you like. Buzz me with your URL and I'll post it therein. ] Date: July 24, 1999 Hey Morgan, How about a link to my page ? Thought I would have a little "trivia" fun I have permission to use the pic, But I want you to guess who it is also I can add more, for anyone who wants to play. But they must e-mail me, stating that it it is OK to publish their pic, and what, if any "CLUES" they want to give. On June 13, 1999, I fell about 5 feet from a ladder while staining wood rails around the sleeping loft of a cabin I was remodeling. The phone was ringing and I was hurrying to answer it. I broke my left femur bone in 5 places between the hip and knee and I was in surgery for about 4.5 hours while they installed "stainless steel" pins and screws. The femur bone was broken off at the hip, just above the knee and 3 places in between. I was discharged from the hospital on June 24,1999. It will be August 15 until I can apply any pressure on that leg and begin Physical Therapy, so I am now confined to a wheel chair and walker cage, so I have a lot of time to play with the puter.

Date: May 22, 1999 eveonthehill adds ..... > > You might be a Redneck Jedi if..... > > You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with > y'all." > Your Jedi robe is camouflage. > You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle > of Budweiser. > At least one wing of your X-Wings is primer colored. > You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok. > You have ever had a land-speeder up on blocks in > your yard. > Wookies are offended by your B.O. > You have ever used the force to get yourself another > beer so you didn't have > to wait for a commercial. > You have ever used the force in conjunction with > fishing/bowling. > Your father has ever said to you, "Shoot, son come > on over to the dark >'ll be a hoot." > You have ever had your R-2 unit use its self-defense > electroshock thingy to > get the barbecue grill to light. > You have a confederate flag painted on the hood of > your land-speeder. > You ever fantasized about Princess Leah wearing > Daisy Duke shorts. > You have the doors of your X-wing welded shut and > you have to get in > through the window. > Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that > Jabba the Hutt had a > pretty good handle on how to treat his women. > You have a cousin who bears a strong resemblance to > Chewbacca. > You suggested that they outfit the Millennium Falcon > with redwood deck. > You were the only person drinking Jack Daniels > during the cantina scene. > If you hear . . . "Luke, I am your father...and > your uncle" > > === No matter where you go, There you are. ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Date: May 03, 1999 Date: May 15, 1999
From: Morgan Larch <> To: Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:53:36 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Update from Ren (glaydin) Hi Ren You are still working on a snail mail list yes? I mean, do you mind if I put a more clear pointer up on the Glaydin page to that effect ? I'm just thinking to make it a little more clear but don't want to send you traffic if your not ready for it... ................................................................... Hi again Morgan The answer is Yes, and to update U on what is happening here we go: I now have in my possession everything Louise has ready at the time. All I have to do is type it into a data base. Peggy Sligh was here on Wednesday for a few hours and looked through some of the records which are stored in two different places, both damp. She has suggested that she take them to her place in Manassas, where she has a dry shed to put them in. There, they would be safe as well as convenient for her to sort as they aren't in perfect order by any means. She would then be the "Official Glaydin Student Record Person" and all record inquires would go directly to her. This is fine with me, as they would no longer suffer the moisture damage they are suffering here in the areas where they are now stored. It would also free up that space here. Before I could give her a definite YES, I felt I should get a final approval from Mr. Curl who is the current director. He is currently driving back from Texas in a moving van with his Mom, who is moving here. Peggy is currently awaiting a positive decision on this and I can see no reason why it should be otherwise. He should be extremely happy and may offer to haul them for her in our van. I really regret that I was unable to spend more time with her and her two, new little Mother's day presents. Twin girls. I was working on my "Glaydin Service Vehicle" in the shop when she arrived and missed her arrival by about a half hour. Not long after that, George's mowing tractor broke down and I had to repair that. He thinks that thing is a stump remover. At any rate, Peggy did spend a good while with George and I talking in the shop as I was finishing up, got to wake up Louise sleeping in her recliner, got to look through some musty smelling records (that goes away after a good spray with air freshener). And as a final gesture, I upgraded the air pressure in all the tires on her car with some "Good Fresh Glaydin Country Air". She'll get an extra 10,000 mi. now. ................................................................... OK to post wherever U want, Morgan. You might want to get rid of some of that other stuff in the side bar, I don't know. Things are still picking up and I have a idea that there are a lot of other people watching this page and just haven't posted, like the last one. You could be headed for a landslide. The word is getting out. Do U have ICQ? Ren Baker @ Camp Glaydin 13951 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA 20176 Phone: < 703 777 7078 > E-Mail: < > ICQ # 37306326 < < NEW ................................................................... On Fri, 14 May 1999 wrote: > Morgan > > On the other hand I guess most of it is still pretty much informational. > I just took a more through look. > > Will U be able to create an additional "latest known address" side bar? > > Ren > > From Sat May 15 12:08:58 1999 Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 22:13:16 -0400 From: To: Cc: PeggySligh@AOL.COM -->NEW,, Cengland16@AOL.COM, Subject: Glaydin News Update ................................................................... Hi Ren, Well, ya know, I thought about this lot. But I am just too sensitive to net privacy to feel good about putting snail mail addresses out in the open like this. I thought three things: (1) Just ask anyone/everyone that posts or has posted a message if they want me to add their snail mail address to an in-the-open page, or, (2) point whom ever might be asking to you or someone else that keeps a list of snail mail addresses, or (3) keep a list in the form of an email that can be sent to everyone periodically or when ever a new address is added to the list. What ever, I think that the lower the management cost the better. (I'll put this in the side bar and see if anyone cares to bug me about it one way or the other). I like number 3 most. With (maybe ?) a note in the clear that anyone who can send you an SASE, and maybe a small sum of money for handling fee, can get the list through the usps. There are people no doubt that are lurking who might like a copy of the list also. I need to address them, let them know that I can add them to a different, non-disclosed email address list to be notified of changes etc... Of course there are tools like urlmon with which to watch the page but not everyone cares to deal with the net at that level. As to the side-bar thing, soon I'll build archives of it in zip and gzip format so that it can be downloaded, the main page likewise. Also I need soon to split the main page into several smaller ones so load time is a little shorter (I've yet to 'ave anyone offer me a T1 ;-)) Futher, I need to mirror the Glaydin pages somewhere else because I am not having a very fun time with netcon (my isp) and need to be able to drop them at some point. This also means re-submiting the url to all the search engines which is even less fun and the main reason I have not done it yet. On another note, what is the tax status of Glaydin proper ? Can people here maybe make tax free donations to Glaydin (since most everyone seems to be employed at some level) ? This may be a more better way for people to help keep the school going (since the folks that have posted also seem to be living busy lives). Regards, ................................................................... Morgan, I agree, and I think your # 3 solution is best. I had not thought about the fact that unknown others could gain access to that information, to use in a bad way. About 2 hours ago I got zapped with a filthy remark from some person with a ICQ # of 11650864 & a e-mail of <> using a nickname of "Rodrick". I was talking with Eve Birch's daughter, Christina, at the time on ICQ. There are really some weirdo's out there. I can save the list to disk. and then e-mail it direct to those that request it. Either as text, database or spreadsheet. For the "Snailmailers" I can do the SASE with no problem. But I would not accept a service fee unless it was directed as a Camp donation. By the way we are still accepting reservations for camps, as always and I remember that some were asking about that. As I was writing this I got a call from the Director, and he gave Peggy Sligh the OK to get all the records so I must inform her of that. He was extremely happy that she would do that. We are a tax free organization, and I will send U the information on that soon. You can post as much of this e-mail as U wish, if U like. As a new user of Internet, I don't know about how your page is made or anything like that. I'm just an older guy learning some new tricks. My bag is what's on the inside of this machine, the electronics. See U agn soon, Ren Baker @ Camp Glaydin 13951 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA 20176 Phone: < 703 777 7078 > E-Mail: < > ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Date: May 03, 1999 On Mon, 03 May 1999 13:20:13 -0700 George Heiner <> writes: >Renice, > >I have many, many pictures of Glaydin students and staff from the >year 1975-76. I took them myself as a staff member. We had an active >Photography lab back then. I was the dorm staff member at the main >lodge dorm during those years, and I taught Psychology and Spanish. I have a lot of fond memories of the people I lived with and taught.... > >I had a nice email from Kirk, but for the life of me I can no longer >place a picture with a name. Do you know him? > >I will pull out my pictures and scan them into files I will post to >my web site...(I haven't made it active) > >Give my best to George Baker; I am wondering...where is Jane Wilhelm >now? I would very much like to contact her. > >I live and work in southeast Arizona, just a few miles from Mexico. > >George Heiner > [mod's note]: contact for (*maybe*) snailmail addresses ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Date: April 27, 1999 Here are some interesting words re. Littleton, CO..... ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Date: April 26, 1999 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ...and I am trying to register Glaydin with -- they provide a message board/remailer but they do not *require* any personal information. When I have a correct URL (when they make the page) I'll post it here. Or at least I thought they did, they do not seem to be too well glued togeather this afternoon. We'll see... ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ICQ = I Seek You (he-he-he) Searched the web & found it Downloaded it (25 minutes) Could not open it because it twas a zip file. Hound Dawg rolled over on his bak en started laffin, durn him. Searched the web found a un-zipper (good one to, zips-up as well) Downloaded it (bout 15 minuted) Un-zipped thu zipper on the zipped-up "I Seek You" file. Low en Behold she fired up. Spent the rest of the day playing with the dam thing. Check me out at: Which is my "orfishal" "I-Seek-You" Web Page. Shoot me a "pager" but my e-mail is not working thair yet. I am not a bad speller. That thare's country. I'm learning here at Glaydin School & Camp. You guys wrote yer names on everything round here. You can also see that I feel much better PEGGY Also have a site under construction at: the email link there is working Love ya all, Goody nite Nite "Jim Bob" Ren Baker @ Camp Glaydin 13951 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA 20176 Phone: < 703 777 7078 > E-Mail: < > Date: April 17, 1999 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= I have submitted again the Glaydin page to the Yahoo and the Excite search engines to be indexed. This makes six times for Yahoo and four times four for Excite -- neither has yet indexed the page. ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= To: Glayden Page people From: Mary T. Dresser, senior Date: April 17, 1999 Subject: Communications It is delightful to see that you of Glayden are keeping up with each other. Let me help you straighten out your list. I am Mary K. Dresser's mother, Mary T. Dresser. Obviously, that causes confusion. Anyway, you got me on your list rather than my daughter. So why don't you delete the dresserink e-mail and instead replace it with: MKDRESSER @ I'm sure she'd like to chat. I'm a writer. You can buy my books when they come out. cheers. Mary T. Dresser got it, thanks ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= I don't know who else has found the site yet but there is an "alumni" site that is set up to do mailing list management for members and there is already a Glaydin section in place. Anne refereed it to me last night and Ren mentions in the sidebar (Thanks). The site looks to me like it can do the job and if you want to sign up it is at: On a purely personal note (which means you can ignore this because I am very good at getting both my feet in my mouth and offending people I have absolutly no desire to offend) site's that *request* even the most superficial personal information kind'a rub me the wrong way. That they *require* gender is just that much more so. The information requested is germane, yes -- It can be said to be there in the service of the list participants. But I always wonder in who else's service is this information going to used without my knowledge or consent. Maybe I have been wired too long and am over sensitized to online privacy issues, but it is a pet principal issue for me. Optimum would be to provide a place to *submit* personal information as one felt apropriate and with a clear disclaimer regarding privacy issues in evidence. Anyway, it is good to know that the service planetalumni offers is there and if it works, it works. And, because I'd not seen it before, I thought perhaps you too might not have seen it and would like to know about it. ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= If I put something in here you want me to take out, I will, right away, just say the word. I'll not put personal snailmail address or phone numbers in here because if someone is here, their email address is valid. (It's an online privicy thing, just can't help myself) On the other hand, when Ren and Ms. Baker get their snailmail list togeather I will be happy to post it, with an ear open for anyone's objection. If you use a search engine that can't find Glaydin, let me know. While it is a pain to get indexed sometimes (hotbot took something like 6 months) it may help other people find this site. Feedback, Flames ? I am all eyes-n-ears. Oh, and I did fix several broken links. Ren caught one of my typo's and I went looking -- there were more than a few. If you see others, bug me! ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= From Tue Apr 13 07:53:14 1999 Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 00:14:53 -0400 From: To:, Cc: -->NEW, Hey Morgan !! To answer Anne's question: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- And, Anne asks: Do you -- or anyone -- have access to any kind of mailing list for Glaydin alumni? Seems like the best way to get Ren and Glaydin some help would be to do it as a group. Perhaps we could arrange an alumni weekend? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- The answer is Yes, Louise Baker, George Baker's Wife, is putting together a mailing list at the present time. Of course she doesn't have e-mail addresses so the initial mailing will have to be by "snail mail". George says that she has about 150 current addresses and with the popularity of e-mail I would guess that at least 50+% have it. You wouldn't believe George, who is in his 80's. That guy is as active as a 40 year old. I call him "Tractor Man" because he loves to mow the place with that old tractor, which I am working on in the shop at the present time. That thing is a antique, but he loves it. All he has talked about this winter is getting it fixed so he can mow this spring. He burns a clutch out every summer. He and Louise are a pair of "Nuts", one is as bad as the other. I will POST the list on the "Glaydin Page" as soon as Louise gives it to me and as my time allows, but it shouldn't be long. It is beautiful here at Glaydin this spring and George says that the tree that he planted, in commemoration of his daughter's death, is more beautiful and has more blossoms than he has ever seen. The West windows from my place (what used to be the library) overlooks the lake and it is really "COOL" to sit here at the computer and watch the deer and water fowl messing around down there. I think an "Alumni Weekend" would be really great and it would really be a blessing to George and Louise. They are always talking about you "guys" and showing me the old yearbooks. I will answer Peggy Sligh's letter next and forward a copy to you guys. It looks as though I have opened a can of worms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Peggy wrote: Hi Ren, Tell us more about the Glaydin of today, would you? I don't know how much help lil ol me can be by my lonesome, but I'd like to be of assistance somehow. Give me some more idea of what you might need, or what I can do to help, okay? I don't know anyone left in the area, although I do look from time to time. The only ones I've been in contact with live halfway & all the way across the country. But I'll keep looking. Hope to here from you soon, Peggy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Also received this from Steve, who is a Ham Radio Operator like myself. His call letter (N5HS) indicates that he is in the Texas area, so maybe we can hook up on the 20 meter Amateur Radio Band in the future. I have to answer his e-mail also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Steve wrote: Hi, I am Steve, with my home e-mail address Thank you for answering my question about whether or not Glaydin still stands. Is the place still a residential treatment facility for kids, as it was when I was there? If not, what is the school doing? Also, it would be interesting to know whether or not they still have the records of people that were there from 1983 to 1985. I have had several others get in touch with me to see if they can get their records as well. Also, your e-mail id suggests that you are a ham. Is this the case? I am n5hs. Thanks again for your help! Steve S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- See you again soon, Ren Baker @ Camp Glaydin 13951 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA 20176 Phone:< 703 777 7078 > E-Mail: < > ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= From Wed Apr 14 07:21:07 1999 Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 02:17:04 -0400 From: To: -->NEW Cc:, Subject: General Glaydin Stuff Hi there Peggy You wrote: --------------------------------------------------------- From: -->NEW To: Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 00:36:57 EDT Subject: glaydin Ren, I went to the URL but didn't find any reference to Glaydin, can you tell me where on the page to look? Peggy ---------------------------------------------------------- The address is: Not: Morgan must have made a typo when he posted it I highlighted and copied the address directly from your e-mail, pasted it directly into my browser address bar and then hit enter. There is a site there but nothing I could find about Glaydin either. I'll have to check that site out sometime to see what it is. I checked you out at: and found you are living in Manassas Va. Not too far from here. That is a really sophictaded Glaydin site. I wonder if Morgan knows about it. Anyway he will now because I'm cc'ing to him. I lived in Manassas in the early 90's and was assistant manager of the building material department at Hechinger's store #24 there on Sudly Rd. I was living at: 9001B Yorkshire Lane In Manassas Park at the time. I left there and moved to Baltimore in December 1992, but in reality this is my home territory. I was born a little over a mile from here, in Taylorstown, in 1942 and lived there for 49 years before moving to Manassas in 1990. I never thought I would be living here at Glaydin, altho I was always fasinated by the place. I drove by here many days on my way to work in the DC area. I am going to write up a full description of "Glaydin Today" and post it as soon as I get the chance. George Baker has been down with a bad cold for the past two days but is getting better. -------------------------------------------------- Also, Eve Birch wrote: >>>>>Ren'sArchiveFile> 12 Apr 1999 2222 57 -0700 (PDT) From: Eve in Them Thar Hills <> To: Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 22:22:57 -0700 (PDT) Subject: is this the right place to find Glaydin? Hello, Grapevine sez I should write and give ye my name and address if I went to Glaydin, A beautiful word. My name is Eve Birch and I went in...79? My address is: [ed'd, email is] Please, if this is the right place,send me a beep. I thought it was lost to some state run home for kids. Blessings on that lifesaving place, Eve Birch No matter where you go, There you are. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Eve, You have the right place and thanks for the Address Good Grief Charlie Brown, it is 2 am in the morning. I have got to get off of this thing !!! See you Guys soon again. Ren Baker @ Camp Glaydin 13951 Glaydin Lane Leesburg VA 20176 Phone: < 703 777 7078 > E-Mail: < > ========================================================================= ========================================================================= =========================================================================
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