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Glaydin Reunion

In celebration of
The Jane Wilhelm Years

Come one, come all
Saturday, June 21st, 2003

Original MS Word document Here
From Kathleen Bourke

Staff and Students from 1969-1976 are encouraged to attend and
are welcome to bring loved ones.  The reunion will be on the
Glaydin campus. In keeping with that special place and time, no
classes will be held.

A Welcoming Meeting will be held in the Main Lodge at Noon. This
will include the traditional Agnes Sailor Silent Moment and a
Memorial Celebration for Louise Baker, Jane Wilhelm and others
who are gone but still a part of us.

A Meal will be prepared in Mona's kitchen (by former students now
chefs). The rest of the day is Free Time. Hang out, reconnect,
make music, commiserate about how run down the old place has
become. So come on out, let's have a look at your thinning hair,
your Lexus, and your parole officer!

Happily, we have managed to find you, and have an ever-growing
number who intend to join us. But there are many others we would
like to find, and hope you can help. Please try to contact your
old friends, tell them about the reunion, and have them get in
touch with us.

Those who have Internet access should sign-up (it's free), as
soon as possible, at:
Alternately (but also ASAP), they could email Lori or Kathy:    ///

Snail-mailers should write Peggy O'Neill Sligh, and supply their
contact info: 9705 Evans Ford Road, Manassas, Virginia 20111

Once we get a handle on what this event is going to cost, we will
let you know what your (modest) fee will be. Please help us in
this endeavor by completing the following sentences:

1.) Glaydin was ____.  a.)  the worst experience of my life. I
won't be there.  b.)  why did it ever have to end? Even the
(rare) classes were bearable.  (Hint: one of these creates a
severely defective sentence, the likes of which only the current
leader of the free world is prone to construct,  it is nonetheless
the better answer.)

2.) Dear Committee, I wouldn't miss this opportunity unless I
have to take out the recycling or something equally crucial. I'll
see you on June 21st if the fee isn't outrageous, and I am right
now searching the house high and low for -- well maybe I'll surprise
you with it! I realize you need to get an idea of how many might
be there. Here's how many people I might drag to this shindig:
___.  (If this came to you by Email, reply to the sender with an
estimate. Others can RSVP to Peggy.)

We realize that you, like some of us, may be traveling a long
distance to this affair, can't get enough of the place, or may be
planning to spend most of the day near the keg. For whatever
reason, you may want to spend the night out there. Please note
that indoor space is more limited than you remember and will go
quickly, so let us know ASAP what your plans are. Camping is
encouraged if you have or can borrow equipment and think you are
still young enough. We are looking into nearby hotel/motel
options as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and any old Glaydin friends
you can locate,
 The Jane's Years Reunion Committee 

4 Nov, 2002

We are now planning a Glaydin reunion to honor Jane Wilhelm. We
are asking anyone who attended Glaydin School or camp from the
years 1969 to 1976 to attend a reunion which is now scheduled for
the 21st of June 2003. Hopefully we will have the reunion at
Glaydin if permission is granted. If anyone is in contact with
Glaydin alumni who do not have internet access please pass on the
information. Contact Steve Jaeger for more information.


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